For 2024 - Avoid if possible, if not then win, your business dispute/s

The focus for this year will be to help you avoid, and if not possible then win, your business dispute/s.


The following business disputes will be covered -


-                 Building and Construction;  

-                 Contract;

-                 Confidential Information;

-                 Estate (Testator Family Maintenance);

-                 Farm-In Agreements (Mining Tenements);

-                 Franchise;

-                 Joint Venture;

-                 Jurisdiction (foreign applications);

-                 Leases (Commercial and Retail);

-                 Owners Corporation;

-                 Partnership and Shareholder;

-                 Residential Tenancy Agreements; and

-                 Sale of Goods and/ or Services.


You will also find help concerning bankruptcy and insolvency law. Why? Because that is where every business dispute can end!


Get Weinberg.


Builders get paid NOW!!


Win with Strategy and Strength