You were sued in a foreign Court - Example 1

Global business often involves litigation in foreign  (interstate and international) forums.

 My client and its director were both based in Victoria. Their disgruntled purchaser of several machines resided in New South Wales (customer). The customer, expectantly, pursued proceedings in the Sydney District of Court.

Our decision to not contest the jurisdiction helped us win at trial. Whilst we only had one witness (compared to the customer’s several), our documentary evidence proved determinative. Further, our better preparation allowed us to undermine the credibility of the customer’s witnesses and legal arguments.

Our victory culminated in the Court ordering the customer to pay all of my client’s legal costs. My client deserved this additional success because the customer should have, but did not, accept our earlier settlement offer.

 Next time we will discuss another victory in the Sydney District of Court – this time when I acted for an international plaintiff.


You are fighting in a Foreign Court - Example 2


What to do when you get sued !